50 litre milk can style 304 stainless. These beautifull tanks have an 8" lid with 3 anchor points, that has a 4" ferulle for mounting.
2 x two inch ferulles are located on the top for use as a fill point or sight glass. There is twin 2" ferulles at the base for element mounting and a 3/4" ferulle for the drain.
Sold without other fittings these are customisable to suit your own setup, choose a pair of element guard kits and elements, drain valve and sight glass kit for the top and an endcap and clamp or even a butterfly valve for the fill point.
Very clearly the best on the market, these tanks lack nothing that the big kettles have. The 4" mount, view port ferrule and extra top ferrule for fill port represent outstanding value compared to others.
Stands sold seperately.
650mm tall by 350mm wide.